そんなカフェ「Cafe Vivement Dimanche」は、鶴岡八幡宮へ続く小町通りからちょっと奥まった場所にあって、半地下のような店内は、女の子でぎっしり :-) ここは行列必至のお店らしいんだけど、幸い私たちが入った時間は席が空いていて、待たずに入れてラッキー。
ちなみに生粋のフランス人EによるとVivement Dimancheっていうのは、日曜日が待てない!っていうような意味らしい。
私がオーダーしたのは、先に書いたとおり、魂がこめられたコーヒーパフェ。あずきに見えるけど、コーヒーソルベ+バニラアイス+コーヒーゼリー+生クリーム。中にはココアスポンジも入ってて、これが美味しくないわけがない、っていうか、バニラアイスがめっちゃ美味い。生クリームも、乳脂肪高めのぽわぽわクリームで、、、、ああ、また食べたい :-)
On 27th of May, we went to Kamakura to show my friend/colleague, E, the traditional side of Japan. I've been there three times so this is my fourth time to visit Kamakura area; however I have to say I don't know much about the area so I bought a tour book and prepared for it :-)
In the book I found really good pics of foods (yes I always am attracted by foods in tour books rather than scenery) and this cafe called "Cafe Vivement Dimanche" is one of them. The cafe is introduced with a picture of nice オムライス(Omu-rice) and waffles. Maybe you're not familier with オムライス, since it's a Japanese dish, basically it indicates flied-rice (with ketchup) covered with omulet.
We didn't know when we visited here but the owner of this cafe is so-called "charisma" and of couse this cafe is very famous around this area.
This was a really hot day so I ordered a glass of iced tea and the オムライス, but I really wanted to try a coffee palfait as well, so I took the オムライス in the harf portion. but it turned out the half portion is I guess enough for most of girls, which I have to say I don't belong to that category :). the オムライス was indeed really good and I was very happy about it.
The palfait was good, too. I do recommend this cafe, I hope I can visit there again.
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