が、梅酒も美味しかったし、なによりデザートに頼んだ「苺のムースとカタラーナ」は絶品!カタラーナって名前は私は知らなかったんだけど、(最初は「語らな」の「明日マニアナ」(≒hasta manana)的な語呂合わせかと思ってたんだけど、ちゃんとしたスペイン語?らしい。無知って怖いわ)、1人1プレートでも食べれたんじゃないかと思う美味しさだった。
As I mentioned in the Since the previous entry, we didn't get fully satisfied with the foods from "Maimon", we hit another bar afterwards :)
The bar is named "Namo-bar" and the menu told us they serve local foods from Nagoya-region, where all of us come from (Actually "Namo" is a dialect of Nagoya). The bar offers various selection of うめしゅ (Ume-shu, plum-brandy), there were indeed 70 kinds of plum brandy on the menu. I chose "Shiratama plum brandy(Shiratama ume-shu)" on the rocks, and the ume-shu was really good!
We also ordered Taiwan-noodle, since Taiwan-noodle is one of the significant local foods from Nagoya-region and we've missed it. Just for your information, Taiwan-noodle has nothing to do with Taiwan even though it's called Taiwan-noodle :) Unfortunately, the noodle was completely different from what we'd expected :( They really need to learn how Taiwan-noodle tastes like from hereandhere!! just kiddin'
However the dessert (Catalagna(frozen Crème Brûlée) w/ strawberry mousse) was excellent, and it was a really nice way to call it a night :))
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