そしたら、IKEAで"Glögg vin"と書かれたワインをハケーン。「きっとこれはスウェーデンのグリューワインだわ!」と思い、1本購入。しかも1本450円とかで激安。帰ってきて早速レンジでチンして飲んだら、美味ーいっ!!。ドイツで飲んだのと近い味がするーー。感激。
ところでIKEAで買ったGlögg vinの製造元のWEBを見てみたら、どうやらGlöggvinとGlüweinは違うものとして区別されてるような。たしかにGlögg vinは、レーズンやアーモンドを入れて飲むように一緒に売ってたし。何が違うんだろう。教えてアルムの森の木よ。
I've got good foods/drinks from the クリスマスマーケット(Christmas market) in Heidelberg or Karlsruhe during my stay in Germany. One of my favorite is a cup of hot wine(and Now I realized I have no picture of it at all), called "グリューワイン(Glühwein)". Glüwein is made from red wine, some spices as cinnamon, cloves, orange peels, and gingers, and of course sugars. I got 2 cups of Glühwein in Karlsruhe, and according to my Geman/French friends, the first one is too sour... which was still ok to me :D but second one was much better than first one. I thought I wouldn't forget the taste, and I indeed tried to buy and bring some back to Japan, but my suitcase was completely full. So I had thought I could never drink Glüwein I was really happy when I found "Glögg vin" at IKEA, I didn't hasitate to buy one :)
Right after I got back in my place, I nuked it, and even though it tasted a bit different from the one I had in Karlsruhe, but it was enough to remind me of the great time in Germany.
I wish I had bought some more bottles... and I'm wondering if I should go to IKEA and buy some, but if Ido, I'm sure they are all gone :))
According to the manufacturer's website, it seems that Glögg vin an Glühwein are different products, but I don't see a big difference... Does anywone know the difference?
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