Legal Sea Foodsはボストン市内に30店舗ほどあって、空港のフードコートなんかも含めてボストン滞在中にこのレストランに行ったのはなんと3回。そしていつもクラムチャウダー。
生牡蠣にはトラウマのある私。「東海岸は牡蠣~♪」と言われても何ひとつ心躍ることはないんだけど、さらにこれは生ハマグリと、Cherry clamと呼ばれる貝(日本で何にあたるのか不明)もついてますですよ^^牡蠣はダメだけど、貝はトライーーー!と1個食べたけど、ごめんなさいダメでした(笑)。がんばって飲み込んだけど。写真はないけどsteamed clamsも食べて、それは結構イケたかな(2個ぐらいしか食べてないけど)
上のFried clam stripsもそうだけど、揚げ物、量多すぎ。こんなの毎日食べてたら脳梗塞確定って感じの食べ物。ちょこちょこ食べるには美味しいンだけど、さすがにこんな量があるとつらかった^^
Here is the pictures from a casual, famous sea food restaurant called "Legal Sea Foods", in Boston. They have more than 30 restaurants in Boston area, and we've been 3 times during our 4-day stay in Boston :)
This restaunrant is famous for their fresh sea foods, including 牡蠣(かき:oysters), 貝(かい:clams), and.. you name it :D
I have to admint, I am not a big fan of sea foods, and I've got a big traumatic experience about raw oysters when I was a university student. So only what I was looking forward was, their クラムチャウダー(clam chowder), and the chowder was really great! For me, the best クラムチャウダー I've ever had still stays the one from "Barbara's fish trap" in half moon bay, California. I really wish I could visit the place again, someday....
Legal Sea Foods
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